Supply Chain Analytics and BI - Why They Matter to Enterprises

Supply Chain Analytics and BI - Why They Matter to Enterprises

2023-04-14 00:00:00
4 min read

In today's highly competitive business landscape, supply chain management has become a crucial factor in determining the success of an enterprise. 


Managing a complex supply chain requires real-time data and accurate analysis to optimize operations, reduce costs, and improve customer service. 


This is where supply chain analytics and business intelligence (BI) come into play.


Business Intelligence in Supply Chain Analytics


Business intelligence tools provide the foundation for analyzing and visualizing supply chain data to make informed business decisions. 


BI helps organizations gain real-time insights into supply chain operations, including inventory management, supplier performance, order fulfillment, transportation, and logistics. 


With the help of BI, organizations can identify areas for improvement, optimize supply chain processes, and make strategic decisions based on real-time data.


Benefits of Supply Chain Analytics


Optimizing the supply chain process through analytics can have a significant impact on the bottom line for enterprises. 


Some of the benefits include:


Cost Reduction and Efficiency:


Analytics helps organizations reduce supply chain costs associated with inventory management, transportation, and logistics. 


By optimizing the supply chain process, organizations can improve efficiency and reduce operational costs.


Improved Customer Service:


With real-time analytics, organizations can ensure timely delivery of products, reduce order fulfillment times, and improve customer satisfaction.


Enhanced Visibility and Control:


Analytics helps organizations gain better visibility into the supply chain process and identify potential risks. 


This leads to better risk management and mitigation strategies.


Key Metrics to Track in Supply Chain Analytics


To optimize the supply chain process, it is essential to track key metrics such as inventory management, supplier performance, order fulfillment, and transportation and logistics. 


Let's read a bit more on these key metrics:


Inventory Management: 


This metric tracks the amount of inventory that a company has on hand, and how efficiently it is being managed. 


Inventory turnover ratio, days of inventory on hand, and stockout rates are some of the important metrics to track. 


By monitoring inventory levels, companies can avoid overstocking or understocking, which can lead to increased costs and lost sales.


Supplier Performance: 


This metric tracks the performance of suppliers based on various factors such as quality, delivery times, and pricing. 


Lead time, on-time delivery, and defect rate are some of the important metrics to track. 


By monitoring supplier performance, companies can identify opportunities to negotiate better terms and conditions, reduce costs, and improve the overall quality of goods.


Order Fulfillment: 


This metric tracks the efficiency and accuracy of the order fulfillment process. 


Order cycle time, order accuracy rate, and order fill rate are some of the important metrics to track. 


By monitoring order fulfillment, companies can identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement, improve customer satisfaction, and reduce costs.


Transportation and Logistics: 


This metric tracks the efficiency of transportation and logistics operations. On-time delivery, delivery lead time, and transportation costs are some of the important metrics to track. 


By monitoring transportation and logistics, companies can optimize routes, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction.


By tracking these metrics, organizations can identify areas for improvement, make data-driven decisions, and optimize the supply chain process.


Challenges in Implementing Supply Chain Analytics


Implementing supply chain analytics is one of the biggest challenge which organizations face. Some of the challenges include:


Data Management: 


Ensuring the data used for analysis is accurate, relevant, and reliable is crucial for successful implementation.




Integrating supply chain analytics with existing systems requires a collaborative approach between stakeholders and IT departments.


Skill Set: 


Organizations need to have the necessary skill set to effectively implement supply chain analytics.


Despite the challenges in implementing supply chain analytics, there is a solution that can simplify the process for organizations: Phrazor


With its AI-powered advanced augmented analytics and natural language generation capabilities, Phrazor can provide trends and actionable insights that guide your team to take swift action.


Read more on how Phrazor helps in Supply Chain Business Intelligence


Best Practices for Successful Implementation of Supply Chain Analytics


To ensure successful implementation of supply chain analytics, organizations should follow best practices such as:


Clear Business Objectives: Defining clear objectives and expectations is crucial for successful implementation.


Data Quality and Governance: Ensuring data quality and governance is crucial for accurate and reliable analysis.


Collaborative Approach: Taking a collaborative approach between stakeholders and IT departments can lead to successful implementation.


Investment in Technology and People: Investing in technology and people is necessary for successful implementation of supply chain analytics.


However, implementing supply chain analytics can still be a daunting task. 


Phrazor helps Fortune 500 Companies and enterprises get actionable natural language narratives by:


Swift Reporting: Generating accurate reports quickly and efficiently to meet time-sensitive supply chain requirements.


Timely Execution: Giving real-time insights with AI-powered business intelligence to help organizations stay agile and make data-driven decisions.


Enable Efficient Distribution: Streamline data and provide insights into the number and timeliness of shipments and distributor routes to keep distribution running smoothly.


Enhance Optimized Procurement: Consolidate supplier data and analyze past contract expenditure to increase savings and improve supplier performance.


By using Phrazor, organizations can streamline their supply chain and achieve better outcomes in inventory management, supplier performance, order fulfillment, transportation, and logistics. 


Organizations can now be more confident in the accuracy and reliability of their data, enabling them to make better decisions and optimize their supply chain processes.


Request a Demo now and explore the possibilities of how Phrazor can take your Supply Chain Analytics to the next level.


About Phrazor

Phrazor empowers business users to effortlessly access their data and derive insights in language via no-code querying